Brown Fields Blue Skies Exhibition
and Map log

Brown Field Blue Skies
4th March - 12th June 2009
"What Tea have created is a fascinating community archive. Patches of land in transit between industrialisation and regeneration become forgotten hinterlands and embarrassing eyesores. Tea, however, reveal this one as a place where camomile, buddleia, owls and swallows thrive, children engage in dangerous adventures and their fathers fish, sleep and walk their dogs. This is not a dead space, they assert: it is a secret garden full of life."
Anna Britten, Metro

Brown Fields Blue Skies Map-Log and details from the reverse.
"I enjoyed what I felt to be both the absurd and poignant elements of this piece - having a picnic where they used to make paraquat in particular. the books you took as reference materials provided good clues to the way you were thinking. The descriptions of transient features such as the weather and people coming and going were both appropriate in their reflection of the imminent change about to take place there and also in terms of the fleeting nature of our existence within a place. I liked the fact that you were non-judgemental about Widnes's industrial past and the proposed plans for the area but acted more like witnesses. It is very hard to work like this because your impact is subtle."
Janet Griffiths