Supporters, Funders and Commissioners
Arts Council England North West, East Midlands, London, Yorkshire and Humberside), British Council, Foundation for Sports and The Arts, Esmee Fairburn Charitable Trust, Arts and Humanities Research Council, HEFCE, ESRC, European Union, Heritage Lottery Fund, South East Coastal Communities Programme, Renaissance North West.
Galleries and Museums
The Whitworth, Castlefield Art Gallery New Art Spaces, Manchester Art Gallery, Stoke on Trent, Harris Preston, Bluecoat Liverpool, Leicester City, Leeds Metropolitan, South Bank Centre, Tate Liverpool, Orleans House Richmond Upon Thames, Museum of Labour History Manchester, The Lowry, The Ferens Hull, Mid-Pennine Arts, Qube Oswestry, URBIS Manchester, CUBE Manchester, Platform Vasa Finland, Rhona Hoffman Chicago, Catalyst Widnes, Bluetown Heritage Centre.
Manchester Festival, Artweek Manchester, New Work North West, artranspennine98, Year of the Artist, London International Festival of Theatre, Digital Summer Manchester, Counterpart: Lytham Festival.
Local Authorities
Manchester, Liverpool, Lancashire County, Burnley, Rossendale, Leicester, Richmond Upon Thames, Kirklees, Hull, St Petersburg, Central Manchester Development Corporation, Oswestry, Halton, Fylde.
Brighton (Mass Observation Archive), Lancaster, Kent, Manchester Metropolitan, Central Lancashire, West of England, Bath, Queen Mary London, Journal of Visual Art Practice, North West Film Archive (MMU).
Businesses and other organisations
Business in the Arts North West, Hulton Deutsch Collection Ltd., Able Scaffold, J and T Mesh, Phelps Furniture, Royal Doulton, Charterhouse Estates, More O'Feral Adshell, Hobs, Search UK, Oxfam Wastesaver, Greater Manchester Transport, Cooperative Society, Esselte Dymo Ltd., Forbo-Scanachrome, Clarkes International, Lambert Howarth Ltd., British Telecom, Royal Liver Assurance, Mersey TV, Blitz Vision, Soho Images, Edric Av, Peel Holdings, BBC Big Screens, MITES.
The many individuals who have contributed their experience and assistance.
What people say about Tea
A long-standing professional reputation for imaginative engagement and responses, creative use of space, working with professionals and the public, developing new audiences, alternative forms of public art, efficient project management, high quality work.